Wilhelm Gotthilf Anton Sietz, 18501930 (aged 79 years)

Wilhelm Gotthilf Anton /Sietz/
Given names
Wilhelm Gotthilf Anton
Also known as
Note: Wilhelm Gotthilf Anton Sietz ist der Cousin von Elisabeth Sietz. Ihre Väter August Ferdinand (*15.09.1809) und Heinrich Wilhelm Sietz (*31.12.1811) sind Brüder.
Oberamtsrat, Gutsverwalter
Address: Gut Lange Mühle bei Grünberg in Oberschlesien
Note: Im Frühjahr 1919 zieht die Familie Sietz nach Schönberg/Mecklb.

Im Frühjahr 1919 zieht die Familie Sietz nach Schönberg/Mecklb.
Wilhelm wird Gutsverwalter (Besitzer ?) auf Gut Lange Mühle bei Grünberg in O.Schlesien

Death of a paternal grandfather
Birth of a sister
Death of a brother
Death of a sister
Marriage of a parent
Birth of a half-brother
Death of a mother
Death of a half-sister
Birth of a half-sibling
Death of a half-sibling
Birth of a half-sister
Death of a paternal grandmother
Death of a sister
Death of a father
British Queen
from June 20, 1837 to January 22, 1901
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
John Russell
from June 30, 1846 to February 20, 1852
13th President of the United States
Millard Fillmore
July 9, 1850
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Edward Smith-Stanley
from February 20, 1852 to December 19, 1852
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
George Hamilton-Gordon
from December 19, 1852 to February 6, 1855
14th President of the United States
Franklin Pierce
March 4, 1853
The Crimean War
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Henry John Temple
from February 6, 1855 to February 20, 1858
15th President of the United States
James Buchanan
March 4, 1857
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Edward Smith-Stanley
from February 20, 1858 to June 12, 1859
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Henry John Temple
from June 12, 1859 to October 29, 1865
16th President of the United States
Abraham Lincoln
March 4, 1861
17th President of the United States
Andrew Johnson
April 15, 1865
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
John Russell
from October 29, 1865 to June 28, 1866
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Edward Smith-Stanley
from June 28, 1866 to February 27, 1868
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Benjamin Disraeli
from February 27, 1868 to December 3, 1868
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
William Ewart Gladstone
from December 3, 1868 to February 20, 1874
18th President of the United States
Ulysses S Grant
March 4, 1869
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Benjamin Disraeli
from February 20, 1874 to April 23, 1880
19th President of the United States
Rutherford B Hayes
March 4, 1877
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Robert Gascoyne-Cecil
from April 23, 1880 to February 1, 1886
20th President of the United States
James A Garfield
March 4, 1881
21st President of the United States
Chester A Arthur
September 19, 1881
22nd President of the United States
Grover Cleveland
March 4, 1885
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
William Ewart Gladstone
from February 1, 1886 to July 25, 1886
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Robert Gascoyne-Cecil
from July 25, 1886 to August 15, 1892
23rd President of the United States
Benjamin Harrison
March 4, 1889
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
William Ewart Gladstone
from August 15, 1892 to March 5, 1894
24th President of the United States
Grover Cleveland
March 4, 1893
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Archibald Primrose
from March 5, 1894 to June 25, 1895
25th President of the United States
William McKinley
March 4, 1897
Death of a half-brother
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Robert Gascoyne-Cecil
from June 25, 1895 to July 12, 1902
The Boer War
Battle for control of southern Africa
from October 11, 1899 to May 31, 1902
British King
Edward VII
from January 22, 1901 to May 6, 1910
26th President of the United States
Theodore Roosevelt
September 14, 1901
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Arthur Balfour
from July 12, 1902 to December 5, 1905
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Henry Campbell-Bannerman
from December 5, 1905 to April 5, 1908
Adoption of a daughter
Adoption: Adopted by both parents
Note: Die Tochter Anastasia wird von Wilhelm und Elisabeh Sietz 1908 adoptiert, da das eigene Kind der Eltern (Wilhelm und Elisabeth) stirbt.
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Herbert Henry Asquith
from April 5, 1908 to December 6, 1916
Olympic Games
Games of the IV Olympiad
from April 27, 1908 to October 31, 1908
London, England
27th President of the United States
William Howard Taft
March 4, 1909
British King
George V
from May 6, 1910 to January 20, 1936
28th President of the United States
Woodrow Wilson
March 4, 1913
The Great War
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
David Lloyd George
from December 6, 1916 to October 23, 1922
29th President of the United States
Warren G Harding
March 4, 1921
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Bonar Law
from October 23, 1922 to May 22, 1923
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Stanley Baldwin
from May 22, 1923 to January 22, 1924
30th President of the United States
Calvin Coolidge
August 2, 1923
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Ramsey MacDonald
from January 22, 1924 to June 7, 1935
31st President of the United States
Herbert Hoover
March 4, 1929
Birth of a daughter

stirbt 80-jährig in einem Pflegeheim nach einem Schlaganfall.
Da sein eigenes Kind früh stirbt, adoptieren er und seine Ehefrau im Jahre 1908 ein (10- oder 14-jähriges) Mädchen Anastasia Toronzowa.


Elisabeth heiratet ihren Vetter Wilhelm Gotthilf Anton Sietz (*22.05.1850) aus Sietzenhütte . Das einzige Kind stirbt früh, und Elisabeth und Wilhelm bemühen sich um die beiden Söhne Erich und Kuno seines 1897 verstorbenen Halbbruders Albert Sietz (*21.12.1857). Doch dessen Witwe Helene Groddeck mag Elisabeth nicht, sie ist ihr zu fromm wenn nicht bigott, die Kinder kommen in`s Internat. Elisabeth und Wilhelm adoptieren 1908 ein entfernt verwandtes Waisenkind aus Russland: Anastasia Toronzowa *22.12.1894 (22.11.1898) in Sumi (Wolzschansk, Bezirk Kiew) + nach 1970 in Schönberg oo 1924 (1930) in Schönberg Vollkaufmann Hans-Otto Reinhardt + nach Anastasia.
Anastasia wächst auf Gut Langemühle in Schlesien auf und zieht mit ihren Pflegeeltern am 24.03.1919 in das neu erworbene Haus Marienstr.45 in Schönberg. Sie wird Konzertsängerin und Musikerzieherin. Die Ehe bleibt kinderlos.

Last change
February 21, 202008:39:54
Author of last change: omnior
Family with parents
Marriage Marriage1840
16 months
elder sister
Birth: May 6, 1841 31 18 Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
Death: June 24, 1841Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
15 months
elder brother
Birth: July 15, 1842 32 19 Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
Death: February 24, 1843Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
19 months
elder brother
Birth: January 1844 34 21 Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
Death: July 15, 1844Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
13 months
elder sister
Birth: January 14, 1845 35 22 Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
Death: May 6, 1848Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
13 months
elder brother
Birth: February 14, 1846 36 23 Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
Death: September 11, 1846Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
13 months
elder brother
Birth: February 1847 37 24 Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
Death: April 9, 1855Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
2 years
elder sister
Birth: April 11, 1849 39 26 Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
Death: May 12, 1855Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
14 months
Wilhem Sietz
Birth: May 22, 1850 40 27 Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
Death: March 13, 1930Stadt Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
13 months
younger sister
Birth: June 24, 1851 41 28 Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
Death: after 1869Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
Father’s family with Caroline Schneider
Marriage Marriage
Birth: September 19, 1838 29 24 Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
Death: March 17, 1840Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
18 months
Birth: March 6, 1840 30 26 Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
Death: November 12, 1858Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
Father’s family with Bertha Tramitz
Marriage Marriage1856
2 years
Verlobung von Albert und Helene 1888
Birth: December 21, 1857 48 18 Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
Death: March 28, 1897Schöneck, Berent (Kościerzyna)
18 months
Birth: June 26, 1859 49 19 Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
Death: October 2, 1859Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
2 years
Birth: July 6, 1861 51 21 Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
Family with Anna Elisabeth Caroline Sietz
Wilhem Sietz
Birth: May 22, 1850 40 27 Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna)
Death: March 13, 1930Stadt Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Elisabeth Sietz
Birth: June 1, 1854 42 21 Leba, Lębork
Death: 1940Schönberg, Kreis Nordwestmecklenburg
Marriage Marriage
Birth: Woltschansk, Oblast Charkiw
Death: 1970Schönberg, Kreis Nordwestmecklenburg
Media object
Wilhem Sietz
Wilhem Sietz
Media object
Elisabeth und Wilhelm Sietz
Elisabeth und Wilhelm Sietz
Media object
(in der Mitte) Paul Sietz mit Schwester Elisabeth
(in der Mitte) Paul Sietz mit Schwester Elisabeth
Note: (vlnr) Herr von Bothe, Albert Sietz, Paul Sietz und Schwester Elisabeth Sietz, Frau von Bothe und Wilhelm Sietz
Media object
Wilhelm Sietz
Wilhelm Sietz
Media object
Trauung Wilhelm Sietz mit Elisabeth Sietz 1878 Rückseite
Trauung Wilhelm Sietz mit Elisabeth Sietz 1878 Rückseite
Media object
Trauung Wilhelm Sietz mit Elisabeth Sietz 1878 Vorderseite
Trauung Wilhelm Sietz mit Elisabeth Sietz 1878 Vorderseite
Hans Oskar Franz Max Sietz (1916–1941) Franz Heinrich Sietz (1848–1922) Erich August Gustav Sietz (1889–1960) Oscar Ernst Simon Bischoff (1841–1922) Charlotte Herz (1886–1974) Eugenie Carolina Kirsch (1874–) Helene Bertha Johanna Charlotte Bischoff (1889–1973) Antonie Schneiderski (1866–1928) Felix Max Eberhard Sietz (1917–1951) Elisabeth Aurelia Sophia Renner (1880–1973) Johann Sietz (1769–1851) Hans Oskar Franz Max Sietz (1916–1941) Sophie Jungen (1854–1928) Edmund Wilhelm Pintner (1841–1893) Margarete Dittmer (1872–1948) Albert Ferdinand Oscar Sietz (1857–1897) Johanna Caroline Philippine Beyes (1859–1931) Katharina Elisabeth Martha Helene Sietz (1921–1999) Carl August Georg Henze (1852–1930) Erika Franziska Johanna Sietz (1878–1947) Josef Richter (1895–) Christian Knocke (1893–1975) Charlotte Henriette Ida Fehse (1901–) Ernst Ferdinand Büttner (1860–1942) Wilhelmine Pintner (1879–) Lorenz Petersen de haan (1668–1747) Josef Jung (1893–1959) Charlotte Henriette Ida Fehse (1901–) Johanna … (1770–1854) Charlotte Frieda Klinke (1892–1974) Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Haas (1901–1981) Adolf Rautenstrauch (1877–1925) Johanna Auguste Pauline Weber (1869–1937) Ingeborg Edith Helene Marta Haas (1926–1996) Anna Elisabeth Caroline Sietz (1854–1940) Emma Auguste Hermine Taufall (1879–1959) Wilhelm Friedrich Markus Sietz (1858–1934) Helene Bertha Johanna Charlotte Bischoff (1889–1973) Hans Oskar Franz Max Sietz (1916–1941) Catharina Elisabeth Boysen (1887–1970) Oscar Ernst Simon Bischoff (1841–1922)