Euphrosina Henriette Sietz, 1801–1881?> (aged 79 years)
- Name
- Euphrosina Henriette /Sietz/
- Given names
- Euphrosina Henriette
- Surname
- Sietz
Source citation: @Geburtsregister Reg.25 Sietzenhütte@ Text: Am 8.Aug.1801 um 6 Uhr nachmittags geboren Euphrosina Henriette und getauft am 16.August. Paten: Nicolaus Kamienschkey aus Berent; Müllermeister Martin Gottlieb Heinz; Ehefrau Anna Renata geb. Schraegin; Großbürger |
Birth of a sister
Source citation: @Geburtsregister Reg.1 Sietzenhütte@ Text: Geboren am 28.Dez..1803 um 3 Uhr nachmittags Carolina Eleonora, getauft am 1.Jan.1804. Paten: Friedrich Putkammer Wirtschaftsschreiber aus Großpodlesie; Müllergesell Johann Burandt der Grzybowsche Mühle; Eigentümer Michael Hahn aus Sommerberg; Ehefrau Dorothea Eleonora Sommer. |
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Death of a paternal grandmother
Cause: Abzehrendes Fieber Source citation: @Todesregister Reg.Nr.9 Sietzenhütte@ Text: Des Cöllnischen Eigentümers Gottlieb Sietz aus Sietzenhütte Ehefrau Anna Renata Sietzin geb.Podwelsin [Podewils] ist den 28.Aug.1804 um 8 Uhr abends am abzehrenden Fieber mit 57 Jahren 7 Monate und 8 Tage gestorben und begraben am 31.Aug.1804 um 4 Uhr nachmittags auf dem Friedhof zu Berent; öffentlich. |
Birth of a sister
Source citation: @Geburtsregister Reg.4 Sietzenhütte@ Text:
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Death of a sister
Cause: Masern Source citation: @Sterberegister Reg.21 Sietzenhütte@ Text: Dem Köllmer [d.h. Bauer lt.Ordensrecht] und Eigentümer Johann Sietz aus Sietzenhütte ist die Tochter Johanna Friderica Sietz dem 13. Okt.1806 um ½ 4 morgends an den Masern im Altervon 8 Monaten 20 Tagen verstorben. Beerdigt am 16.Okt. 1806 auf dem evang.luther.Friedhof zu Berent. |
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Birth of a brother
Source citation: @Geburtsregister Reg.13 Sietzenhütte@ Text: Am 7.Sep.1807 um 10 Uhr früh geboren Carl Ludwig und getauft den 27.Sep.mittags. Paten: Schulmeister Gottlieb Steinkraus aus Beck; Gerbermeister Joh.Friedrich Schmidt aus Berent; Tochter Frolentina des Müllermeisters Joh.Buhrandt. |
Birth of a brother
Source citation: @Geburtsregister Reg.19 Sietzenhütte@ Text: Geboren 15.Sep.1809 2 Uhr früh August Ferdinandt und getauft den 17.Sep.1809. Paten: Sattlermeister Joh.Friedrich Schauer aus Berent; Müllermeister Martin Gottlieb Haeling aus Mylchen bei Bvetow; Jgfr.Tochter Friderica Julia Haeling; Sequester [d.h.Gerichtsvollzieher] Carl Barc aus königl.Vorwerk zu Scheldtz. |
British King
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
4th President of the United States
Christening of a brother
Birth of a brother
Source citation: @Geburtsregister Reg.2 Sietzenhütte@ Text: Geboren 31.Dez.1811, 7 Uhr abends Heinrich Wilhelm, getauft 15.Jan.1812. Paten: Fridrich Wilhelm Steffen Inspector der Gellenschen Güter; Junggeselle Wilhelm Schilke aus Berent; Müllersfrau Maria Dorothea Heeling geb.Schulz aus Mühlchen. |
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Birth of a sister
Source citation: @Geburtsregister Reg.8 Sietzenhütte@ Text:
Death of a paternal grandfather
Cause: Nervenfieber |
Battle of Waterloo
The Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon Bonaparte, ending the Napoleonic wars.
June 18, 1815
Waterloo, Belgium
Birth of a brother
Source citation: @Geburtsregister Reg.2 Sietzenhütte@ Text:
Birth of a brother
Note: Das Geburtsdatum errechnet sich aus dem im Sterberegister angegebenen Alter : Das Geburtsdatum errechnet sich aus dem im Sterberegister angegebenen Alter : |
5th President of the United States
Death of a brother
Source citation: @Sterberegister Reg.6 Sietzenhütte@ Text: In Sietzenhütte starb am 3.Aug. mit 23 Jahren Gottlieb Michael Sitz an Auszehrung. Seine Eltern der Oberschulz Sitz leben daselbst noch. |
Death of a brother
Source citation: @Sterberegister Reg. 1, Sietzenhütte@ Text: Am 13. Jan.1819 starb im Alter von 2 Jahren und 13 Tagen der Sohn des Gutsbesitzers Joh.Sietz an Erkältung und Fieber zu Sietzenhütte, Eduard Alexander wurde am 15.Jan.1819 beerdigt. |
Birth of a brother
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Peterloo Massacre
Cavalry was used to disperse a large crowd who were demanding electoral reform. 15 were killed and hundreds injured.
August 16, 1819
Manchester, England
British King
6th President of the United States
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
7th President of the United States
British King
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
8th President of the United States
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a daughter
Death of a father
British Queen
9th President of the United States
10th President of the United States
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
11th President of the United States
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
12th President of the United States
13th President of the United States
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
14th President of the United States
The Crimean War
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
15th President of the United States
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
16th President of the United States
Death of a mother
17th President of the United States
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
18th President of the United States
Death of a brother
Note: stirbt als Witwer |
Death of a brother
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Death of a brother
Death of a brother
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
19th President of the United States
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
20th President of the United States
21st President of the United States
Last change
Author of last change: omnior |
father |
Birth: 1769
— Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna) Death: January 2, 1851 — Sietzenhütte / Lutherkirche, Berent (Kościerzyna) |
mother |
Birth: February 19, 1775
— Reppow, Kr.Tempelburg Death: August 29, 1861 — Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna) |
Marriage | Marriage — May 30, 1791 — Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna), Pommern, POL |
3 months
elder sister |
Birth: August 30, 1791
— Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna) Death: |
2 years
elder brother |
Birth: September 30, 1793
— Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna) Death: August 3, 1817 — Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna) |
2 years
elder sister |
2 years
elder sister |
Birth: January 20, 1797
— Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna) Death: |
16 months
elder brother |
Birth: May 19, 1798
— Sietzenhütte / Berent (Kościerzyna), Pommern Death: June 30, 1872 — Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna) |
3 years
herself |
Birth: August 8, 1801
— Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna) Death: 1881 |
2 years
younger sister |
Birth: December 28, 1803
— Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna) Death: |
2 years
younger sister |
Birth: January 24, 1806
— Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna) Death: October 13, 1806 — Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna) |
20 months
younger brother |
Birth: September 7, 1807
— Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna) Death: |
2 years
younger brother |
Birth: September 15, 1809
— Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna) Death: January 16, 1875 — Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna) |
2 years
younger brother |
Birth: December 31, 1811
— Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna) Death: July 14, 1870 — Leba, Lębork |
2 years
younger sister |
Birth: February 3, 1814
— Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna) Death: |
23 months
younger brother |
Birth: January 8, 1816
— Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna) Death: |
1 year
younger brother |
Birth: December 31, 1816
— Sietzenhütte / Berent (Kościerzyna), Pommern Death: January 13, 1819 — Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna) |
4 years
younger brother |
Birth: January 2, 1821
— Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna) Death: April 18, 1876 — Adlig-Stendsitz, Kreis Karthaus (Kartuski) |
husband | |
herself |
Birth: August 8, 1801
— Sietzenhütte, Berent (Kościerzyna) Death: 1881 |
Marriage | Marriage — — |
daughter |